Morris Radio Club, Inc.

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 Worked All New Jersey

WANJ - The Worked All New Jersey Award

Issued to radio amateurs who have submitted proof of successfully completing a QSO with a radio amateur in each of New Jersey’s 21 counties. This award is also issued to SWLs who have submitted proof of listening to transmissions from radio amateurs in each of New Jersey’s 21 counties. The WANJ award is a 11″ by 8-1/2″ certificate suitable for framing.


Again, the application is a “Fillable” PDF. It has been tested on Windows, Mac, Linux, and IOS using Adobe Reader. Other PDF document readers may or may not work!

The information above along with further instructions can be found on page one of the application.

Click on the link below to download the WANJ application. Save it to your HDD, then open it with your PDF reader program to begin entering information. When finished, attach it to an e-mail to

WANJ Application Download